I know what you are thinking. Why in the world would Aliens or ETs be considered a part of a spiritual belief system. Well, first of all let's start with the question; "Have you ever seen one?" "Do you even believe they exist?" The idea of Aliens and Extra-Terrestrials is just about as well known an idea as Jesus Chris and God. But, before I go into why Spirituality and Aliens go together for me, I want you to know that they don't replace my belief in God or even in Jesus.
I believe that Aliens are part of who we are as humans. I think that they are one with us as they are part of the multi-verse. We are not alone. There is a God, but God didn't just create one Universe and one Solar System and one planet that could hold life. So, what does that tell you? That there are many many many many other planets out there that support life and that DO support life. This isn't something that I just believe either. I internally know that it's true. I resonate with the information. I didn't come upon this information internally, I got it from people that are often referred to as "Whistle blowers".
I have always been interested in Aliens and ET life and when I was younger I also had a great obsession with the stars. I would plan whole evenings where I would just lay on a blanket and look up at the stars. I was always interested in UFO stories, all the stuff that came out of Roswell, and really anything else that came up that I could find. As I got older and information was easier to come by, I still held my interest in UFOs, but it wasn't until I was 35 that I really started to find the information I'd been looking for my entire life. It all started when I started watching a television show called Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia TV. I was glued to the screen and couldn't get enough of the two main whistle blowers that came forward on that show to share their experiences with secret government programs and experiences with Alien beings from all over the galaxy and the multi-verse.
Before being privy to this information which resonated with me and which I did believe wholeheartedly. I had already started meditating pretty regularly and also had been dabbling in the arts of the Law of Attraction and I'd had some little successes with making it work. Throughout what I call my Awakening. I was diagnosed with Leukemia, and this didn't stop me from continuing my spiritual work, my meditations, and to stay positive. After I was done with my first round of treatments, I felt pretty great and went right back to learning more about Aliens, ETs, Government cover ups and any other information I could get my hands on.
Okay, so on to the more spiritual stuff, since that is what this blog is about. Part of the show Cosmic Disclosure talks about Earth's ascension to 4D. Without going into it, it's sort of similar to the rapture explained in the bible, but better in my opinion because the rapture talks about taking all the "Good Christians" up to heaven and leaving everyone else down here on Earth to suffer through the Apocalypse and then die and go to hell I assume. However this Ascension is for all humanity. According to Cosmic Disclosure, humanity is currently going through a mass awakening. We are all waking up to the reality of what truly is and started to shed our old beliefs and seeing ourselves for the divine beings that we truly are. After learning about all of this, I started to meditate more, and to try to connect with my divine self. I've taken classes, worked with other spiritual people, joined a FB group that is filled with like-minded people from all over the world, and have connected with someone from that group who is here in Minneapolis. The biggest thing for us all to remember, is to trust in the universe or God, or Source, or whatever you want to call it to bring us forward into whatever is next to come. We are highly valued, loved, and protected.
Okay Great! If you got this far and you are still with me, I applaud you! That last bit probably sounded like pure nonsense to you if you aren't familiar with it. If you are curious, I strongly recommend watching Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia TV. There are also other shows on there that might be easier to watch and bring about your own awakening. I thank Gaia TV for waking me up to the truth.
My First Belief
So, our parents bring us up a certain way, sometimes they let us decide what to believe in when it comes to religion or spirituality, and other times they teach us what we should believe based on what they believe. I was brought up Christian for example and for a while I was the only one in my family who went to church and did all the religious things like getting baptized and going through Confirmation. I also went on two mission trips during this time. I don't take any of that back, that is all still a part of who I am today. However, my first spiritual belief that I ever came up with on my own was that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. This was after I had noticed how corrupt the church was and that was when I decided I wasn't sure what was good anymore. I always thought I had been on the right path, but when I started to doubt my spiritual path, I decided that the only thing I knew for sure was the EVERYTHING IS ENERGY.
What Else Do I Believe?
I believe that certain crystals have healing powers and can deflect negative energy. I also believe that they each have different qualities that make them unique and give them different powers.
I believe that the human mind is a very powerful thing and that we, as humanity, have only scratched the surface of what we can do as the human race.
I believe in God, the ultimate Creator. However, I believe in a different God than the one from Christianity. I DO NOT believe that any God that is made of pure love, would also create a place called Hell where "bad" people go when they die and suffer forever. I especially don't believe that God would ever send all those that don't believe in him to Hell as well. It just doesn't make sense and it just isn't true. There is a conspiracy theory that says that the original bible didn't even have Hell in it. Hell was added later on as a means to control. I also believe that God is us and we are God. There are some who believe we were created by God, but there are others who believe we were "seeded" or "created" by Aliens who have a vested interest in our growth as a collective. If it is true that Aliens created us, it does not mean that God did not, because God is us and God is them and God is all of us.
I believe that Earth is going through a shift right now and that ascension for humanity is right around the corner. It requires us to do lots of inner work so that we cal all ascend to the new earth. Ets are here to assist us through this transition. This will be a smooth transition and the Aliens will help us through and provide for us what we need. We do not need to be afraid of this. This cycle happens every 25,000 years.
I believe we all have spirit guides and I have at least 4. Two of these guides or Extra-Terrestrials and one is Christ and one is my Grandma. Christ has been showing himself to me in meditations since I was going through my relapse Chemotherapy which was a really tough time for me. He came through in a meditation a few times and gave me gifts. Some were light and one was a dove.
I also believe in Angels and Angelic energies. My Mom was going through a tough time when I was in the hospital for the first time with Leukemia since she was also dealing with my Grandpa being in assisted living and not being happy about it. She was at the Grocery store looking at produce when she noticed a woman staring at her. She turned to look at the woman, and she said something, but my Mom didn't quite make it out and so my Mom said "What?" and the woman repeated. "You can only do one thing at a time." So my Mom took this as a message from the angels, it was obvious that her spirit guides were speaking through this woman and my Mom knew she could only do one thing at at time and I think that helped her get through that rough time.
I think there are ways to communicate with the other side. When I activated my spirit guides I asked them to provide me with synchronicity to show me that I was on the right path. And the night after I activated them I saw my first one. It was 11:11 on the clock. Since then, I've seen "Angel Numbers" all over the place. 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, 999, 1111, and some times up to 4 numbers in a row or certain numbers together like once I saw 1111 and 5555 on a sign and then saw it again on another sign. If you don't understand numerology or the significance of angel numbers, please look them up, there is lots of great information online. If I see one of these numbers, I often google it to find out what it's significance is, to see if there is a specific reason I am seeing that number.
My Mom and I were sitting in her living room downstairs and suddenly we heard this music box playing, and I was so freaked out because we were alone in the house and it seemed like it was right out of a horror movie. It was coming from upstairs and I told my Mom not to go up there. She listened to me, but when my Dad came home, he went up there and found the music box sitting on the laundry room floor. The weird thing was that the music box has never played on it's own since AND, my Mom tested it later on and it wouldn't play when she wound it up because the switch was turned to off. It wouldn't play unless the switch was turned to on. So there was definitely something supernatural happening. We both believe it was my Grandma, because it was when my Grandpa was in assisted living and wasn't doing well.
What I Know About the Afterlife
First of all, There is no death. Energy doesn't die, it just moves on. Becomes something else. You have an energy that is inhabiting your body and is who you really are. It is your soul. So as many religions believe, and you may have guessed, when you die your soul leaves your body and you enter the spirit realm, This is why your loved ones can no longer see you, because you aren't in physical form. Some humans can see the spirit realm, but many cannot. At this point you have entered into a "creative space". So, if you believe that you will go to Heaven when you die than that is what you create for yourself. If you believe in reincarnation, you create that for yourself. Whatever you believe is going to happen, will happen.
There is no fear in the afterlife. There is no sadness, no anxiety, no negativity. There is only love.
Lessons can be learned at any point of your existence, including in the afterlife. You can choose to experience more lives on different planets if you choose or you can choose to experience more lives on Earth. You can rest, you can play, you can do whatever you want.
You might have to escape what the conspiracy theorists refer to as The Matrix first. I was told that to do this you have to turn away from the light and think "I want to go home." and you will be there, wherever your soul originated. Or you say "Show me the matrix and all of it's exits." and then go through one of the many exits.
I'm unsure if loved ones that passed on are actually there to greet you after death. There has been some confusion on this. Some have said that loved ones being there after death are just entities making you feel comfortable so you follow them into the soul trap. Also known as The Matrix or Earth's reincarnation cycle. Some believe that this soul trap has been taken down now and is no longer a concern, but I feel it is worth it to mention it, because if it does exist people should be aware.
I also believe that we live forever and we live to experience, learn, grow and eventually return to source which is the ultimate goal.
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