You wouldn't know it by looking at me, I look quite human, but my soul originates from a different world. I incarnated here on earth to assist humanity through a big change, a big shift if you will.
It was difficult to assimilate to life here on Earth. I still don't feel like I fit in here. The systems are broken and people can be so cruel to each other. I don't like that. My whole being fights against it. Growing up I would always say. "Can't we just all get along?" At the time I meant it for just my family, but I think as I grew older it became a wish for the entire planet.
I never understood the idea of working 40 hours a week until you are 70 years old and only having true freedom when you are so old you can barely enjoy it. It didn't make sense when I was younger, and it certainly doesn't make sense now. I've fought against this paradigm for as long as I can remember.
Money doesn't make sense. So, we all work to make money right? And then we use that money to survive, to buy food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc. Why can't we just do the jobs that we want to do and share our talents with the community? The money system is broken and it controls us, we have no choice but to fall into the monetary trap that is set for us.
There is much hate and greed here. On my planet people are content. No one fights with each other over petty things like beliefs and politics. We live in harmony with each other. No one is forced to do a job that they do not like just to survive. Resources and inventions are shared. We don't keep new cures for disease or new inventions that would help the population from people. Everything is shared. It's not just shared on our planet, we share with many other races on many other planets as well.
The earth is changing and with it, so will humanity. Humanity is preparing to ascend and at the moment many are waking up to the fact that it's time to change. Not all will be ready. Those that are ready will ascend with Earth. The process will be a re-birth to a higher dimension that is made of love and creativity. No negative entities or emotions will be able to survive there. There will be no fear, sadness, or anger. Just Love. Things are shifting and changing right now. In order to prepare yourself to ascend with Earth, you have to start letting go of your 3D reality. Start to raise your vibration by letting go of negativity, fear and anger. Work through your emotional past traumas and then release them and let them go. Forgive yourself, forgive others, meditate every day. Go outside, put your feet on the earth, touch a tree. Heal yourself.
I am from the Andromeda Galaxy, I have also incarnated on Lyra and Orion. I have lived many life times. It is said that Earth is the only place where we forget where we came from as soon as we are incarnated. I have started to wake up to the reality with the help of my spirit guides. The picture you see to the left is a photo of one of my people from the Andromeda galaxy who also acts as one of my spirit guides to help me through this difficult time on Earth. My deceased grandmother is also one of them and so is the ascended master Jesus Christ. I expect when I pass away, I will see all three of my guides to assist me on the other side.
My job on earth is to spread love and light to all who come in contact with me. There isn't much that I need to do, just being here and living and being around people is enough. However, I've always wanted to help people. To serve others. I spent several years of my career in service based jobs. I worked at Starbucks for 5 years serving coffee, I worked with children and adults with disabilities for the next 3 years, and after that worked as a Career Counselor for low-income and disabled adults. Now as I awaken, I see a clear path for myself. I now know that I am a healer and to strengthen that energy that I already have, I am educating myself by taking a Reiki course to understand the art of Reiki and to heal myself and others.
As more people on this planet awaken to their true selves, their true purpose, and simply, the truth, I am here to answer questions, to be a guide, to help show the way and to help change the world one person at a time. I have much love for humanity and I have so much love to give.
If you are ready to head down the rabbit hole and join me in this journey. Please contact me. I'm here for you.
Much love to you all, forever and always.
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