First of all, If you want to know where this journey started for me, get a Gaia TV account and start watching. I started with the show Cosmic Disclosure, but you have to be VERY open minded to watch that show and get through it. You can also check out Beyond Belief. All of the shows are great on there, but those are the two that will start you down the path that I'm on. Keep an open mind and move forward.
This is scary for me to put out there publicly. Lots of people will think I'm crazy. But, I feel compelled to share. To let people know what I know.
First of all, Aliens, ETs, Other-Worldly beings, whatever you want to call them, they absolutely exist. To think that we are alone in the universe is silly. There are an infinite number of other planets that are capable of holding life and do. There are an infinite number of all kinds of races. We are human and we are only one of them. That is why it's so silly of us to fight with what we call other races on Earth, because we are just all human. We are all the same race.
So, I'll start by talking about how I was awakened to this reality. I have always been interested in space and Aliens. I loved watching television shows and movies that had to do with Aliens and space and that has continued throughout my adult life. When I was little, the first thing I ever wanted to be was an astronaut. I wanted to know more about Space, I wanted to know what was out there. I was obsessed with astronomy. I used to know all the constellations and had my own telescope. I was lead to Cosmic Disclosure after my Aunt gave me her login information for GAIA. I decided to start watching it and from episode 1, I was completely hooked.

Within the first few episodes you find out that Corey Goode, who is a Secret Space Program Whistle blower, started getting contacted by some ETs who he refers to as the Blue Avians, since they appear as humanoid blue birds. In his interactions with them they have either spoken to him telepathically, appeared in his place of residence, or had him travel to them via a blue sphere.
Are you with me so far? I know, it's hard to swallow.
Anyways, he said that the Blue Avians offer a message that they wish for Corey to share with humanity. The message is that we all need to raise our consciousness, get off of our knees, and raise our vibration because the planet is going through an ascension process and in order for us to go with it, we need to raise our vibration or we will have to go somewhere else. What does it mean to raise our vibration? It means that we need to be more "service to others". Life is about love, spreading love, being love and loving each other.
What I like about this message is that I've noticed that we sort of all live our lives and ignore each other. I pass people on the street that are walking their own path, but do I even say Hi to them? Sometimes, but that's about it. So, how do we become more "service to others". This never became clear to me, other than the idea that you first figure out how to raise your own vibration and heal yourself, and in that way you are helping others, then you teach others to do as you did. I think it would become clear to us if we lived life for love instead of anything else.
Okay, so now that I've shared with you about the blue avian beings and their message, I'll go on to talk about the Greys. So we have all heard of them, we've all seen their pictures or drawings. They are sort of what people think of when they think the word Alien. According to Cosmic Disclosure and other shows like it, it is unclear who the Greys are and what their agenda is. There are a few theories floating around out there. First of all, there are those that believe that Grey Aliens are actually just androids that are used by many different ET races. Instead of coming down to Earth themselves, they send these android beings to collect samples and information. There are also some who believe that the Greys serve another race of Aliens called the Reptilians (I'll get into them a bit later). Lastly, there are people who believe that the Greys are unable to reproduce, so they are using humans to create Alien hybrids so they can further their race. It seems that a mixture of these things could be true, but I'm unsure. I do, however, believe that Grey Aliens exist, they have been coming to Earth for a very long time, and they have been abducting people. I also believe that they have been caught by the military both dead and alive.
So, now I will cover the Reptilian race. First of all, they are an
inherently negative race and it is believed that they are here right now living among us and underground. According to Corey Goode and other shows on GAIA, these beings are being controlled by a powerful Artificial Intelligence that tries to take over civilizations with technology then proceeds to rule them and then destroy them. He gets this information from the Blue Avians. From the research that I continued to do after watching Cosmic Disclosure, I have not heard any other sources mention the AI being. Regardless of whether or not the AI being exists, the Reptilian race is said to have been here long before us and they feel that the Earth is their planet.
For many years now they have been controlling us and using us as energy slaves in a way. It's been said that they feed on negative energy. So they purposely make us feel things like fear, sadness, worry, anxiety, and any other negative emotion you can think of. They do this by staging wars, making us fight each other, and also by the use of technology. They use technology and the poisoning of our foods to make us sick so we are less happy and easier to control. They don't want us finding out the truth. The more of us who wake up to realize we are being used in this way, the less they can do to control us. It is also said that these beings can appear to be whatever they want to be. They can change. So you could have someone standing right next to you that is actually a Reptilian being and you wouldn't know it. It's been said that many of the famous actors, actresses, musicians, and people of power are actually reptilians and some have even claimed that they have seen them change. Not all people believe they can shape shift though. some believe that they have holographic technology that allows them to appear human, or they have advanced mind control technology that controls people to the extent that they mind as well be possessed.
There are people who are considered the Elite's of the world and in exchange for power and money, these people work for the Illuminati, a group of powerful people who aim to control the world along with the Reptilians. This allows them to keep all the money and power for themselves and keeps us poor and compliant.
Okay, so now you know of 3 potential Alien races if you decide to believe in their existence. The first one was a positive race that aims to assist humanity in spiritual growth, the other two are potentially negative entities and do not have humanity's best interest at heart.
There are several other races. Most of them are here right now and are here to help in Earth and humanity's ascension into a higher dimension. According to the Blue Avians through Corey Goode, the Earth is shifting into a higher dimension. When this happens we will have series of strong solar flares and then one big one that will make a massive change in the Earth's poles. During this time, all electricity and any other power sources will be wiped out from the Earth. If there is an AI entity that is working to control and destroy us, that will be wiped out at this time. There will be loss of life during this time period, but many benevolent ETs are here to help us through this process. It will be a difficult time, a re-birth, and we will have much to re-build and to learn.
It's been said by many people that during this time, many people are awakening to the truth. I am one of these people and I have been having these intense dreams. Some consider these dreams to be downloads from benevolent ETs to assist us with ascension. One in particular I had was crazy intense. I will share the dreams I've had below.
Triangle Dream
I was in this dark room and was surrounded by what looked like glass panels. Each panel had tons of different types of triangles and pyramids on it some were glowing gold and some were glowing blue. Some where pointing in different directions and they were all shapes and sizes. I remember waking up and thinking. "Whoa, that was intense." Because during the dream, I was very involved and my brain felt very full when I woke up and very tired like I was very focused and busy all night. I know I was learning something, but I'm not entirely sure what.
Mantis Being Dream
There are these beings that are basically humanoid praying mantis's and I was visited by them in my dream recently. They were communicating all sorts of things and being a person who is afraid of bugs, I was surprisingly not frightened by them. They are very positive beings and put my mind at ease. I kept telling myself to remember something from the dream and it was to tell my husband Chris that he had been one of these beings in a past life.
I've had several other download dreams, but I'm having trouble remembering them now.
As people awaken to the truth, they are also starting to learn how to access their internal power. We are all divine inter-dimensional beings confined in a body and having a physical experience. I was told that I'm a healer and at first I couldn't believe it because I've never been into science or medicine, but then it became clear to me that my healing is more focused on herbs and energy. I started practicing energy healing and sending positive and healing energy to others and also healing myself. It's been quite a remarkable journey so far, and I've learned so much about who I am and what I am capable of and how to control my empathic abilities. It's not easy sometimes and it's something I consistently have to work on, but it will get easier.
The other thing that is going on globally right now is that all our past emotional traumas are coming to the surface to be dealt with. We are learning to deal with those traumas and let them go, transmuting them into love and light.
It is also believed that there are ET beings that chose to reincarnate here on Earth to assist in the ascension process and help to raise the vibration of the Earth, but as soon as they reincarnated they forgot their reason for being here, now many of them are waking up and remembering that they have a mission that they need to complete. I very much believe that I am one of these beings. According to Dolores Cannon, There is a wave of beings that came through around my age and they are here to just be. Their energy is so strong that just being here and walking amongst other people will change them subconsciously for the better. I have a lot of love I want to share with the world, but I'm worried I might not be here much longer.
Some believe that the Elite or the Illuminati have weapons that can turn on disease in people. As I was starting to realize my power and starting to feel really good, I got Leukemia. I'm not trying to blame anyone. I could have caused it myself, or the Elite's could have turned it on to help control me, but either way it's been a struggle to stay in the light during this process. I started to get stronger in my practice and then I relapsed, and now am going in for a bone marrow transplant. Again, I have no idea if they are controlling this disease or if it's me. I just know that I need to work on healing whatever is allowing this disease to continue to re-occur, because I feel that I am meant to be here to assist in humanity's ascension.
Healing Technologies
I very strongly believe that there are healing technologies out there that can heal any disease, including cancer and these aren't being shared with the world because there are 3 major corporations that run the world, one is Big Pharma, this company controls all the drugs, and because this company runs the world, they won't allow anything to be passed through the FDA that will actually cure anyone because then they couldn't push their medications on us. You see, they want to keep us sick, not only are we easier to control that way, but they get to keep all the money in their pockets.
According to Emery Smith, another whistle blower who shows up on Cosmic Disclosure and other shows, said that there is free energy power out there and he helped invent it and wants to get it to the public, there is also a device that you can put on someone's chest and it can hone in on bad cells and destroy them and it doesn't require hurting the patient or putting them through treatments like chemo therapy. He is also trying to get these technologies out into the world, but this would be bad news for the multi-billion dollar cancer industry so he is having issues getting the treatments through the FDA. This is due to the 3 main corporations that run the world, including big pharma who also make tons of money off of cancer patients.
So, if you've made it this far, you most likely think I'm crazy, you most likely don't believe a word I am saying, which is fine, but I just had to share it, in hopes that it might open your mind and just maybe, just maybe, start to facilitate change in the world. Change for the good.
Do you want to know what the meaning of life is? It's to love. It's to spread love far and wide through loving yourself, meditating, loving others, taking care of each other. It's all about love! You know what else. We are a collective consciousness. All of humanity is one, so if we no longer want disease, hunger, poverty, war, hate, then we don't have to allow it the world. The more people that become awakened to our power, the better chance we have of changing this world for the better. We have the power, we just have to use it.
What can you do?
Meditate, every day. Quiet your mind. This is so important. Learn to just be. This will help to reduce stress, calm your body and mind, and wake you up to your true self. If you have to, start with guided meditations. There are many free ones on You tube. If you can just sit quietly for 10 minutes a day and push thoughts from your mind.
Make someone's day. Give someone a compliment. Pay for their groceries. Buy them a coffee. Do something good for someone else.
Spread the love energy. Close your eyes and imagine that your entire body is glowing with shimmering white light as you do this, start to send this light out into the world. You can imagine your light filling a loved one and sending them healing and love, or you can send it to a friend or even a stranger that you felt needed it. You can also imagine the entire earth encompassed in this light. Imagination is SUPER powerful. I never knew until I woke up.
Imagine a perfect earth. Imagine what life would be on a perfect earth. Where no one is hungry or diseased. No on is suffering, there is no war, no hate, only love. What does that Earth look like? Focus on that image a little bit every day. Put this into the collective consciousness. The more people we have doing this, the more likely we can change the world.